Select Tryout Registration
Tryouts + 9/25 Tune-Up clinic: REGISTER 9/25 Tune-up clinic only: REGISTER Tryouts for Mercer Island Select 5th-8th grade teams start in 8 days. BRING YOUR OWN BALL AND ARRIVE 15 MINUTES EARLY TO ALL SESSIONS! Per MIGB policy, practice sessions and tryouts including tune-up clinics are closed to parents. 9/25: One more Tune-Up Clinic session before tryouts (with former NBA…
Read More🏀 MIGB Select Season Important Dates 🏀
We hope you had a great summer! Now that the kids are back in school, we are pleased to let you know that Mercer Island Girls Basketball is ready to kick off the season. We will be sharing more details and links for registration in the coming week, but wanted to at least get the…
Read MoreSummer/Off-Season Registration is open
Mercer Island girls basketball (MIGB) is pleased to announce the formation of our summer league for athletes entering 9th-12th grade at MIHS in the fall. The program will consist of weekly strength training beginning in May which will continue through the end of June. Beginning the first week of June, teams will form and regular…
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