2021 Jr. Hoopsters Camp Recap
MIGB wrapped up another successful week of Jr Hoopsters camp with record-setting participation numbers! About 45 girls attended the camp, which was held at PEAK the week of June 22-25 for all players in Kindergarten through 8th grade.
MIHS girls basketball players participated as “junior coaches”, and parents “loved that the girls had exposure to the older girls,” said MIGB Board Member Julie Newcomer, who organized the event.
During the camp, players worked on ball handling, shooting, defense, passing, played skills games and scrimmaged. “It was super fun helping out with the Jr Hoopsters camp!”, said Caley Newcomer, an incoming junior at MIHS. “It was awesome getting to play and help out the kids who are the future of the girls basketball program. I’m really looking forward to seeing these girls next year at camp and seeing how much they’ve improved.”
Every girl who participated in the camp received a gift bag, including a maroon and white basketball. MIHS head coach Lindsey Blaine ran the camp, providing direction to the junior coaches and helping motivate the players. Individual players were recognized at the end of each session for specific skills they had performed well.
Julie Newcomer is excited about the future of the Jr Hoopsters camp. “We look forward to hosting the camp again next year and beating our participation numbers from this year!” she said.